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LED - Module 2. (Khoá tháng 5/2019)

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Nguyễn Đình Tuyên

Danh mục

LED - Module 2

Thời lượng

5 Tuần

Học phí: 2,300,000 Bạn cần đăng nhập để đăng ký học


  1. Lecture 5:  LED Indoor Lighting Design and Installation
    1. Lighting design considerations.
    2. Computer Aided Design (CAD) and lighting software for LED indoor lighting.
    3. Installation of LED indoor lighting systems.
    4. Quality evaluation of indoor lighting systems.
    5. Hands-on exercise in CAD utilization for designing LED indoor lighting systems.
    6. Exercises


  1. Lecture 6:  LED outdoor Lighting Design and Installation
    1. Lighting design considerations.
    2. Computer Aided Design (CAD) and lighting software for LED outdoor lighting.
    3. Installation of LED outdoor lighting systems
    4. Quality evaluation of outdoor lighting systems.
    5. Hands-on exercise in CAD utilization for designing LED outdoor lighting systems.
    6. Exercises


  1. Lecture 7:  Smart LED lighting - Design and Installation
    1. What is the smart lighting
    2. IoT and smart linghting
    3. Electronic Components/sensors used in the LED smart lighting systems.
    4. Design and Installation of LED smart lifghting systems.
    5. Overvoltage protection for LED lighting systems in general and LED smart lighting systems in particular.
    6. Exercises.

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